Well, we could say magic is nothing but miracle is something that happened for Siachen soldier and for his family. His wife said that “I am very happy I want to see my husband as soon as possible”


Lance nayak Hanummanthappa who is miraculously found alive in after buried in snow  for 6 days somehow he make it alive and that’s a awesome news not just for his family not  just for himself even it’s a big news for the whole India.

Hanummanthappa was trapped in an air bubble and that makes him alive till the other army soldier came. Then he transferred in a special air ambulance to the Delhi Research and referral hospital and doctors saying that after some tests they can say anything about this soldier till now they are only saying that he is stable and out of danger.

Hanummanthappa is basically from Dharwad in Karnataka. He was buried into snow just near the 19,600 feet close to the Line of control (LOC). Army had to burrow 25 feet of snow to find the soldier and nine other bodies. The ten soldier were buried under a wall of Ice which is the world’s highest and coldest battle field this as nothing more than achievement that our soldier live there, fight there,  just for the our basic comforts and now when they are dying there like that its opened a lot of Questions for us. This is nothing but a medical miracle that a soldier keeps alive in being after 6 days almost under the Ice of wall.

The wife and the whole village of the soldier is ready to welcome soldier and they all wished for him with the deep of their emotion and I think this is a miracle.

Tags: Army Soldier AliveHanummanthappaSiachenSiachen Avalanche


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