Swaragini 9th March 2016 : Swara and Kavya fall down!
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The last night episode of the TV series “Guru” starts with that the Swara and Sanskar spent some quality time together. We saw that Ragini came to Maheshwari home and met everyone where Kavya insulted her in front of everyone. Kavya also placed her dance academy poster in front of Maheshwari home. The Maheshwari family did not like the behaviour of Kavya towards Maheshwari family and Ragini.

Swaragini 9th March 2016 Written Updates
Now Kavya called her dance students to her home and made everyone angry. Now it is showcase in the TV series “Swaragini” that Kavya came to Swara and said that on the upcoming Holi we will not only Holika will burn rather this home and people will also get burn. Swara got shocked by listening this and Kavya also pretends to showcased that she has planned each and everything. Swara is now worrying thinking about Kavya’s planned.
Swara shared this Kavya’s plan with Sanskar and now Sanskar and Kavya do planned to find out the truth of Kavya. And it is yet to showcase that tonight Kavya will be move out of home in late night along with Lakshay and Sanskar clicked their image and showed it to Swara. Swara noticed that the ice-cream vender in the images is same who was serving fast food yesterday.
Swara gets to know that it was actual a casual plan and the activity of Kavya and it is Kavya’s planning to hurt everyone at a single time in the Maheshwari house.
Kavya also insulted everybody. Ragini felt that moment when Lakshya kissed Kavya on her forehead in the morning time when Ragini visited Maheshwari house to give some food item to Swara.
Ragini feels sad to see when Lakshay goes romantic with Kavya and Ragini feels hurts with these. In the mean time, Sanskar and Swara planned to defeat Kavya and Swara challenged Kavya that with her presence in home she can’t even touch anyone in the house. Kavya accepted Swara’s challenge and promised her something evil that she will be breaking Maheshwari family and will be ruin their happiness.
To know what happen next don’t forget to catch tonight episode of the TV series “Swaragini” only on the Colors Channel at the 9:30 PM!!!