Today students get really nourvoused because today his 1st paper Here we Provide Latest Details From The Cbse Board Today Is English Exam Going on In The school’s Centre. What Will Be the report In Actually About English First Exam Board.Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) is ready to conduct the exams for candidates appearing for Board exams, this year. CBSE will commence their Class 12 exams from March 1.

CBSE BOARD 12th Class English 2016
CBSE Class XII Marking Scheme 2016 for English Core is given below as per CBSE guidelines
Comprehensions/ Unseen passages: Candidates should thoroughly read the comprehension, at least twice, for the complete understanding of the passage. Candidates should note that the questions framed in the reading section are always in sequence i.e. the answer to question 1 will always be in the sentences before the answer to question 2.
Writing section: Candidates should express the thoughts clearly and using rich vocabulary. Use quotes or phrases by famous authors. This section analyses the writing skills and abilities. Remember to follow the correct format, as well.
Literature: Lucid and coherent answers should be written in this section. Express the views, clearly. Only answer what is asked about. Read the questions carefully, before answering them.
Presentation is also important while attempting the paper. Write neatly. Leave proper space, wherever required. Draw margins. Highlight the important words or phrases or sentences.
Marking scheme
The paper will be divided into three sections:
Section A: 20 Marks (2 comprehensions/passages)
Section B: 40 Marks (Letter writing, Report/speech, grammar)
Section C: 40 Marks (Literature)
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