Happy Propose Day SMS, Messages, Quotes, Whats App Facebook Status DP Gift Ideas and Wall paper

Propose Day: Propose Day, you can propose to the girl / boy that you have a crush on. This is a popular day to announce love, propose marriage to your partner and give gifts like cards or flowers. If you are waiting for the ages to express your love towards that pretty girl in your college, a girl next door or even a glamorous lady in your office on whom you have crush for quite a long time and never had the guts to say, this is the right day to express your feelings.


How Propose Day is Celebrated

Youths and other age group people celebrate this special day in their own way to get full enjoy of it. Youths propose to their valentines at this day in excellent way to impress their loved ones. They propose their valentines to express their love and affection as well as to be their valentines forever. Someone propose it by sitting half on their knees with bunch of red roses in hand. Someone propose it by going to some popular places in different ways. Someone send a red rose bucket with greeting card, written love proposal messages and warm wishes, to the home of their valentine early in the morning. At this special day, all the mobile networks and postal services become busy as everybody send messages and gifts to their loved ones.

Happy Propose Day Messages:


Happy propose day my dear heart

I never got anyone like you

So sweet like you

So beautiful like you

So natural and down to earth like you

I never got anyone like you

Happy propose day my dear heart.

Oh my Sweet heart, Oh my Rose

You are the real Rose of my life

You are the whole garden of rose for me

Yes, it is true that nothing is complete in this world.

But, it is also true that you are the complete world for me.

My dear rose, i am here to wish you propose day

You and only you is whole world for me

I cannot promise you that i would be with you every moment

But I can promise you that each and every smile on your face would be because of me.

Oh my love, please forgive me and accept my wish at Propose day

I have struggle a lot in my past

I have no any wish left for me itself

But what I want to get in future is only for you.

Oh my heart, i am wishing you a very happy Propose day

You are my heart, when you stop smiling, my heart stop beating

So keep your smile on and continue my heart beating.

Oh my sweet heart, Oh my little rose, Oh my heart beat

I am wishing you this year propose day

I never wish anything other than you the date i got you

I never beg to god in my prayer other than you, believe me i never.

Happy propose day my dearest dear

I took birth only for you

I have only proposed you

I live only for you

I live only for you.

My dear Rose, my lovely rose, my blooming rose

You are the most beautiful rose on this earth i have ever seen

I want to propose you on this propose day, please accept my proposal.

My lovely rose with lots of fragrance

Wishing you a very happy propose day this year

I have no any history in my life

But I want to make a history by living a beautiful life with you.

My dear Red Rose, happy propose day

My dear heart, i love you so much

Many roses come and go daily

Many roses bloom and die daily

But you are the rose who blooms daily

You are the rose who never dies

You are the rose for whom i am living my life daily

You are the rose who inspires me to make impossible things possible

You are the rose who makes my heart beating.

Yours love.

May be the roses changes their colours from red to violet

May be the roses are most beautiful flowers on this earth

Maybe they spread highly smelling fragrance to everyone

But for me you are my real red rose who never changes

But for me you are the most beautiful flower of my garden

You are only my rose who spread a unique fragrance to my whole life

Wishing you a very happy propose day.

Yours love…….

My dear heart, you are beating in my heart every moment

I never feel you separate from me the date you met me

I want to propose you on this special occasion of propose day

Please accept my proposal,

I want to live a most beautiful life with you

I want to make children with you

And I want to do everything possible with you.

My dear sweet heart, at this special occasion of propose day

I want to tell you something,

You are the person who lives within me, who rise within me, who laugh within me.

I sleep in the night daily by covering me with the sheet of you,

I awake in the morning by getting fragrance of you

And I live my life in the expectations that one day you make my all dreams come true.

Oh my dearest of dears, wishing you a very happy propose day

May be there is someone other than me who makes you more happy,

Makes you loaded with more money and makes you everything of his life

But I believe it’s me only who loves you like a mad and can do anything for you.

My dear Rose, you are like moon for me who makes my every moment beautiful with the cooling moon light,

You are like a sun for me who shows me every possible way to go ahead with the so bright sun light,

And you are like a beautiful garden for me who nourish me with the fresh air of plants.

Happy Propose day…

My dear love, I am here to propose you with a special ring of bond and love,

My dear sweet heart, i am here to make you mine forever,

Oh my dearest of dears, God has made me for you and you for me

Come and join me to make this life full of fragrance and beauty.

My dear, may be you are only somebody for whole world,

But for me you are a whole world,

Oh my world, make my life special and give me a way to go ahead with you.

Oh my sweety,

You are so sweet like sugar,

You are so cool like a moon,

You are so hot like a sun,

You are so beautiful like a red rose,

And you are so lovely to make me love forever.

Happy propose day.

Oh my Sweety, I am in love with you

May be you are not in love with me,

But I love you so much like a mad,

May be I have no reason to be liked by you,

But you have all reasons to be liked by me,

And I promise you, I would love you forever.

 Happy propose day….

I have white roses to say you sorry for my mistakes,

I have pink roses to show my happiness for you,

I have yellow roses to propose you for friendship,

I have purple roses to propose you for my first sight love,

And I have red roses to express you my never ending love.

Happy propose day………

I have lots of colourful roses,

I have a sweet heart full of love

And happiness only for you,

Would you be my valentine forever?

Happy propose day…..

My lovely heart beats only for you,

My lungs breathe only for you,

My sweet eyes see only for you,

My soul lives only for you

Oh my sweet heart, please be my valentine.

Happy propose day…….

It hurts me always, as

I have no one to share my feelings,

I have no one to live my life for,

I have no any destination to reach,

Would you please be my love, life and destination?

Happy propose day……..

My dear heart,

We are in love for years

I think time has come,

To get together and get married.

Would you please marry me.

Happy propose day……..

My dear beauty,

I have a very sweet,

Memory with you for years,

But now, want to hold all the

Memories forever,

I want to marry you.

Happy propose day……..

I am so lucky to have

Friend like you,

But I want to make

My life blessed with you

I love you.

Happy propose day…….

I want to see you daily,

I want to see you smiling,

I want to see you free of stress,

I am your true carer and lover,

Would you please be my valentine forever.

Happy propose day…….

Happy Propose Day Quotes:


  • “The course of true love never did run smooth.” – William Shakespeare
  • “Rare as is true love, true friendship is rarer.” – Jean de La Fontaine
  • “True love stories never have endings.” – Richard Bach
  • “Nothing can bring a real sense of security into the home except true love.” – Billy Graham
  • “True love doesn’t come to you it has to be inside you.” – Julia Roberts
  • “True love cannot be found where it does not exist, nor can it be denied where it does.” – Torquato Tasso
  • “Life is a game and true love is a trophy.” – Rufus Wainwright
  • “To good and true love fear is forever affixed.” – Francois Rabelais
  • “True love is selfless. It is prepared to sacrifice.” – Sadhu Vaswani
  • “True love bears all, ensures all and triumphs!” – Dada Vaswani

Happy Propose Day Gift Ideas:


  • Propose Day 2015 Gift Ideas Girlfriend, Her

Ring, Rose Bouquet with love card, Earrings, Bracelet, Bangles, Wallet and some more

  • Propose Day 2015 Gift Ideas for Boyfriend Him:

T-Shirts, Perfume, Wallet, Watch, Goggles, Bracelet, jerkin and some more

Happy Propose Day Wallpaper, Images and Picture:

  Propose-Day propose_day_image_6669553960-768x480 happy-Propose-Day-sms   Valentines-Day-Roses-768x480

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