Dasharatha Declares Ram’s Rajya Abhishek! Siya Ke Ram 8th March 2016 Written Updates
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The last night episode of the TV series “Siya Ke Ram” starts with Sita is seeking apologise the King Dashrath. Sita also about her past. Sita says to him that he is surely having some hidden pain and holds his hands and asks to tell the matter. The Dashrath tells he can’t share this with Sita or any of his family. Despite Sita insists the King Dashrath to reveal the fact so the King Dashrath says it is actually Dashrath is having a curse of the blind parents!

Siya Ke Ram 8th March 2016 Written Updates
The King Dashrath said to the Sita that accidentally he killed Shravan who was an ideal son of the blind parents. So the blind parents curse the King Dashrath that he wills also dying the way like the blind parents died. Sita feels bad with this.
Now Ravan recalls the Raksha Bandhan and gets angry, He tells Maylavan about Surpanakha married Vidyut. Ram sees Sita disturbed and asks what happened.
She says she wants to talk about Dashrath that Shravan’s father has given him curse for killing his son. Ram thinks that’s why he always cared for me always so much and he can’t express anything for the reason of his worry.
Now Srupnakha becomes upset and cries. She tells to kill her but Ravan forgives her and says he is forgetting that they are enemies and sending her sister. Vidyut is also not ready to accept Srupnakha and he is in mission to kill Ravaan.
Mandoori is keep missing Bharath meanwhile, Mantra try to make Sita provoked but all goes in vain. Sita has been shown totally cool. When Sita has been seen worry for Dashrath, Ram sits near Dashrath and Sita and says he wants to clear all the worries of Dashrath as he knows everything.
Ram says we should not predict our future as bad. Dashrath tells his father to kick out the stress and also explain him that our future is not in our hands either so just chill.
The King Dashrath became happy with Ram’s words and praise Sita. The King Dashrath also said that the queen Sita did a big favour on him by clears everything to Ram which King Dashrath was not able to clears ever.
Don’t forget to catch tonight episode of the mythological TV series “Siya Ke Ram” to know what will happen further. Just tune Star Plus at 8:00 PM!!!